Jason is going to his first day of work in Kansas City tomorrow... at Target. Obviously it's not the perfect job, but it's something for now! So we are grateful that he has someplace to earn a paycheck. I hope that I can survive tomorrow without him! My two little girls are sweet, but I know I'll be busy.
There is still another job possibility on the horizon. Jason found a church that needs an intern for church planting. The church is new, so the pastor there is more of a church planter instead of a permanent pastor. Jason has met with him and the other church leaders and they are now finding out about getting him a paycheck from the North American Mission Board. They have a program to pay seminary students for these types of internships. So, Jason would technically be a North American Missionary. We are very excited and hoping that all the pieces fall into place for this. Jason's first assignment would be to put together packets for visitors. They need someone to reach out to new faces in the church and that's what Jason's job would be. He would have many other responsibilities as time goes on, so this would be such a great learning experience for both of us! Please pray that we hear soon about the North American Mission Board paying him. That is the next step we are waiting on. According to the pastors at the church right now, it sounds very promising. We just need to trust God once again!
The only downside, (and this would be such a great opportunity that it's worth it) is that we would most likely need to be there on Easter Sunday. We had been planning a trip home for that day, since my family will be in town. But that's for us to worry about later. First, Jason needs to be hired.
So summary of the story... Jason goes to work at Target tomorrow, but there's a chance he might not need to be there much longer.
Hey a job is a job and don't they give employee discounts??! ;) We'll be praying about the other job, (although we'll be sad to miss you guys on Easter).