No, I'm NOT posting 802 pictures to this post. That would be ridiculous. But I did just send 802 pictures to Snap Fish to be printed out. They were having a penny per print (6x4) sale! (Plus shipping of course, but still an awesome deal: It came out to less than 6 cents per print with all shipping and tax.) So for the past week, I have been busy. Busy going through all my pictures from 2011. I have been organizing, deleting and editing. I deleted a huge chunk of the pictures I had, mostly because when I take pictures, I just click, click, click, click, click and then go through later and pick out the best ones. Well I haven't been doing a good job of keeping the good ones right away, because this was a HUGE project.
Sadly, I still haven't printed off any pictures from 2010 and barely any from 2009. So I'm going to need to attack all those pictures shortly. I think I need another sale to motivate me, so if there's a good one out there, fill me in! I think I have over 802 pictures from Christmas alone... so I'm a little worried.
The fun part was seeing some old pictures that I haven't seen in a while (read only a couple months: they're only from 2011, how old can they be?) and so here are a few of my favorite ones I loved revisiting:
Note: They are in reverse order, from September all the way back to January.
Click "Read More" to see more of my favorite pictures from last year. I can't wait to sort through all my new pictures. There's something so fun about holding a picture in your hands, something digital pictures just can't match up to.