Summer is definitely over in the Marsh household: Jason has gone back to school, I'm taking a class myself and I'm working almost everyday as a substitute teacher. As if we aren't busy enough, we are starting an Awana program at our church. The first day is this Sunday. I'm very excited about it, but I also know from experience just how much work it will be.
Now, I'm not writing this post to complain. I enjoy our life, and embrace the chaos. I just wanted to remember this time in our lives down the road. One day I'll be able to say: "I can't believe we did all that with 2 babies under the age of 2."
Jason is still working at Sears in the evenings and weekend. This means that as soon as I get home from a teaching assignment, he has to leave for work. I miss seeing him, but he is usually able to come home and eat dinner with us on his break which is nice. We cannot afford childcare right now, so we never work at the same time. The girls do, however, go to a friend from seminary's house twice a week for several hours while Jason is in class. I'm sure their house is very chaotic during that time since they have 4 young kids of their own, still at home.
Jason always has Thursday evenings off from work... but that's because he is taking a night class. I am also taking a night class once a week, and thankfully the seminary provides childcare for the seminary wives classes, so that Jason can still work.
Jason is still doing his internship at our church and that's why I took the day off from substitute teaching today: so he can go get some work done at the church and meet with the pastor. We have a lot to do so we can start the Awana program this Sunday, so we are going to do some organizing together when he gets back from the church today.
Well that's a brief summary of our lives right now. I know it will be a while until Jason is done with school, but I can't wait for us to be full time missionaries, so I know this journey will be worth it. Of course I am open to whatever God has in store for us and I will enjoy each day He gives us instead of longing for the future. I will try to anyways!