Monday, December 21, 2009
Silent Night
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Mr. Potato Head
Friday, December 18, 2009
Two years ago

- My grandma's house filled with family from the area who didn't have any electricity due to the ice storm that happened 4 days prior.
- The chili I made for all those people, made extra spicy in hopes it would cause some contractions.
- Letting my sister Kelly play with my stomach as I got contractions. She was fascinated with how hard my tummy got! I had been having contractions for weeks, so it didn't strike anyone as odd that we were 'playing' with my contractions. They were painless at this point.
- Walking the dogs with my mom on the icy roads.
- Driving to Walmart with my mom to find special shoes for Jason's broken foot
- The guy in Walmart who took one look at my big belly and said: "Woah! Congratulations!"
- Timing my contractions as we shopped, and when we noticed they were 2 minutes apart, I said: "We must be doing it wrong. I'm pretty sure I'm not in labor."
- Having some serious painful contractions in line at Walmart and trying to figure out if I should tell the people in front of me that I needed to go ahead of them since I was pretty sure I was now in labor. [I decided not to say anything, I didn't want to look crazy for purchasing shoes, chapstick and toilet paper while in labor. But boy was it hard not to cry out in pain while standing in line!]
- Calling Jason from Walmart to tell him to meet me at the hospital, but to tell everyone at my grandma's house that he was just bringing my mom and I our 'forgotten' wallets. [I didn't want anyone to know when I was in labor. I wanted it to be a surprise. Even to my mom, but she was the one who ended up driving me to the hospital.]
- Arriving at the hospital in the most pain I have ever felt in my life, and getting an epidural right away.
- One hour later being told it was time to push, and being shocked by how quickly it all happened.
- Telling myself that I didn't want my daughter to have a cone head, which motivated me to push as hard as I could.
- 5-10 minutes later, holding my daughter for the first time and checking immediately to see if she had my ears. She doesn't.
- Watching Jason hold Kylie for the first time as they stitched me up. [ouch]
- Falling in love with Jason all over again as I watched him pace the floor holding our girl and tell her how much he loved her and was so happy she was here.
- Telling Jason to sit down and get off that hurt foot!
- Waiting a little bit to call anyone, so we could enjoy a little bit more time alone with Kylie.
- Watching each one of my sisters and my parents fall in love with our little sweetheart as they came to visit.
- Being completely amazed by how this little darling girl was for Jason and I to 'keep'. It's a strange feeling and I really can't explain it. 'Keep' is not the word I want to use, but it's the only thing I can think that could hint at what I'm trying to say.
- Being disappointed that I still looked about 5 months pregnant.
- Taking as many pictures as I could. Before having Kylie, I never took such an excessive amount of pictures!
Really I can't describe how quickly I fell in love with my sweet little Kylie. I know that some people say that it can take a while to bond with your new baby, but that was not the case for me. I was so amazed about everything about her, from her thin sandy-colored hair to her "huge" [for baby standards] feet and long toes. What's really amazing is how, even though I loved her so much when I first met her, my love for her has grown right along with her! Now she is 2 years old, and I am still loving her as much as ever!
I will post pictures of her 2 year old birthday party later. I won't in this post because this post was supposed to be about how my life was changed so much 2 years ago! It was a wonderful day and I wouldn't have changed a thing.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tiger outside and happy birthday with a hat
Me: Kylie do you want me to go find your night night pig?
[We had cleaned her room earlier and she had put her stuffed pig in her toy box. She usually sleeps with him every night.]
Kylie: No mom. [She thinks for a minute.] I want the tiger!
[The problem is I don't think we have a stuffed tiger anywhere.]
Me: Sweetie, there is no tiger in the house.
Kylie: Yes! Tiger outside!
Me: Kylie...
Kylie: Roar [giggle] I want the tiger please.
Me: Let me go look in your toy box and see if we can find another animal for you to sleep with. No tiger, sorry.
Kylie: Ok [thinks for a minute] I want hat!
[There is a toy hat in the toy box. I'm pretty sure Kylie had that specific one in mind.]
Me: [surprised] You want to sleep with your hat?
Kylie: Yes, hat.
Me: Ok, honey. Here you go. [I hand her the hat.]
Kylie: [starts singing as she holds the hat on her head. It's a toy hat and so it doesn't stay on her head unless she's holding it.] Happy birthday you, happy birthday you...
[I really don't know where she heard the happy birthday song, but she's been singing it for about a month now. It's not as if she has had a birthday recently - she turns two next week remember?- and she hasn't been to any birthday parties that I know of. The first time I heard her sing that song was a month ago out of nowhere. Well actually it was when I gave her a small candle that was "kylie's" so she could only touch that one and not "mommy's". Not that I light them when she can get to them, it's just that she is obsessed with them, so I gave her one and her obsession with my bigger ones ended. How she knew that the happy birthday song goes with candles in a mystery to me, but now I've let myself get sidetracked.]
Below is a picture of the hat she is now cuddling in bed with. The picture is several months old, but you get the idea: