A couple weeks ago, my youngest sister Kelly had a week-long softball tournament here in Kansas City. So she, along with my parents, stayed in our apartment with us. They were very busy with the tournament, so we didn't see them during the day very much. There was one day, however, that Kelly only had one game. Jason also had the day off, so we took advantage, eating lunch with my great aunt in a fun family buffet complete with bumper cars and laser tag and then going to Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead along with said aunt's granddaughter and her children. We all had lots of fun, except for my mom during laser tag. She hates being chased. I do not have pictures of our lunch/bumper cars/laser tag experience, but I do have lots of Deanna Rose:
Kylie in the goat pen: at first all she wanted to do was run around in circles like the wild child that she is.
Then a nice lady gave her a bottle to feed the baby goats. How fun!
And here it is: the moment we've all been talking about (i.e. when Kylie decided to tackle this poor goat). Here she is putting him in a headlock before throwing him to the ground. The poor goat is so docile, he just got up and ran far away.
This goat is pretty smart and is trying to escape from Kylie Bear.
The best thing about the goat picture is the look on Kylie's face. She looks overjoyed to bring down that goat. There was real pleasure in the rough-house tackle. She's going to be fun to be around.