Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stuck at home
Jason just started a new job this week, it's a huge answer to prayers! It's more hours than he worked at Sears and more of a drive, so I'm going to have to get used to not having him around the house and no longer seeing him on his lunch breaks. That's the downfall, but the job is so much better for our family, so we are very excited. Yesterday was his first day and he blew his tire on the drive home and didn't have time to take the car anywhere after work, so he took the van to work today. So that meant we had the whole day to fill today... without daddy... without the van... I like to take the girls somewhere everyday, just to get out of the house. It's been too hot lately to just play in our yard, so we like to go to splash parks or just somewhere air conditioned. I was quite worried that we wouldn't be able to escape our small apartment since Jason was taking our van. So what to do today with two wired, bouncy, destructive, energetic toddlers? Thankfully, the girls figured that out for me. It all started when I was trying to make my bed and they wanted to play "nap" on it:

Yep, they were taking turns doing touchdown motions, they like to copy each other. But seriously, how cute are these little munchkins:
And here they are having "sister talk":
And playing "nap" is only fun for 5 minutes if you are a 1 or 2 year old, so they decided to start jumping on the bed... for literally about an hour. Of course I let them, they had lots of energy to burn:

I snapped a lot of pictures like the following one, where it looks like Kylie is about to land on her sister. No worries, it's just the angle. (Or maybe you have bad depth perception.) I promise that there were no toddlers injured in the making of these pictures.

Eve was showing me where she fell. What a silly girl:

I love this following one. Epic:
I captured some pretty silly faces from each of the girls during all the excitement:

Eve just mainly leaned forward, letting herself fall, instead of jumping:
Hahaha, this next one looks HORRIBLE, but like I said, she never landed on or hurt her little sister:

Thursday, July 1, 2010
I love Summer weather...
... and I love enjoying it outside. The only problem? Being so busy doesn't leave much time left for blogging. So here is a (very long, but not complete) update of what we've been up to lately.
We have...
...played countless times at countless parks...

... played in tons of water...

... including the rain...

... blown a gazillion bubbles...

... gotten multiple "owies" due to falling on our dumb concrete steps (only one "owie" is pictured, as soon as one would disappear, she would get hurt again, so you get the idea with just the one picture)...
... played with some friends at Air Zone, which consists of blow up slides, bounce houses and obstacle courses...

... (apparently air hockey is just as interesting as the blow up obstacles)...
... gone to the city market for cheap fruits, veggies and of course maracas (Kylie is with her friend Josey in the first pictures and with Jason's mom in the last one)...

... enjoyed Sonic's happy hour...
... visited Clifford the big red dog...
... watched my cousin get married and watched Kylie and Eve tear up the dance floor at the reception...

...(those dance moves included breakdancing from Kylie)...
... watched Eve enjoy her first ice cream cone...
We have...
...played countless times at countless parks...

... watched my cousin get married and watched Kylie and Eve tear up the dance floor at the reception...
... made smores (my favorite)...
... lost at miniature golf (by ONE stinkin' point!)...

... won at miniature golf (SERIOUSLY BY ONE POINT!)...
...seen some cRazY wildlife...

... ok so we did see some real wildlife, when we went to the zoo for instance...

... Eve's bestie Sadra came too, but of course neither one would look at the camera...
... seen more wildlife (snakes, birds, turtles...) at Cassie's first birthday at the nature center in Wichita...

... found even more wildlife in our "backyard", aka a worm, what a fun day THAT was...

...enjoyed our "backyard" even without worms...

... watched Kelly play softball...

... bounced a lot...

... Sound exhausting? Eve sure thinks so!
... Eve's bestie Sadra came too, but of course neither one would look at the camera...
... found even more wildlife in our "backyard", aka a worm, what a fun day THAT was...

... watched Kelly play softball...
... bounced a lot...
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