Kylie is an excellent "babbler", but she doesn't have the greatest vocabulary yet. However, I am still very proud of all the words that she can say. It's so much fun to watch her learn, and I can't wait for that language explosion that toddlers are supposed to have. Yet sometimes I don't want her to grow up any more, because this stage is just so fun.
Anyways, I put together a list of words that Kylie says at fifteen months. I only included words that she says consistently: sometimes I'll ask her to say a word and she'll repeat it phonetically, but she really never uses it in the right context or she'll never say it again, so it's not a word she really knows. I put in quotation marks the way she says the word phonetically in case it's different than what it's
supposed to sound like. Some of the words don't have this because I think she says it just "perfect" :).
So here we go:
· Yes (“Yah” This is her usual answer to all my questions. I think she thinks all questions are supposed to be answered with "yes.")
· Eye
· Nose (“Neigh", "new" or "no" depending on her mood)
· Mouth (“Mou”)
· Teeth (“Tee”)
· Ear
· Belly Button (“Bay Buttah”)
· Touchdown (“Tah-Dow". She also does the gesture by throwing her arms in the air. This is one of her favorites.)
· More
· Please (“Peas”)
· Thank You (“Tank Ou”)
· Milk (“Mill”)
· Banana (“Nana” or sometimes just “Na”)
· Kitty
· Dog
· Bird (“Bir”)
· Baby (Her favorite word, and by far the most understandable)
· Hi (You can always tell how excited Kylie is to see you based on how many “hi”s you get from her.)
· Bye
· Night Night (“Nie nie”)
· Ball (“Ba”)
· Shoe (“eww”)
· Daddy, Dadda and Papa (Jason taught her to call him papa, because he thinks she says it cute. I don’t think it’s fair that she has three words that she calls him and she barely calls me mama.)
· Mama (She only calls me mama when she’s upset about something)
· Grandma
· Grandpa
· Ray Ray (“Raw Raw” This is what she calls my sister Rachel)
· Three (“Twee” This is her favorite number for some reason. When we practice our counting, she uses it for every number. So counting sounds like this: “Twee, Twee, Twee…”)
· Two (Every once in a while, Kylie will throw in a “Two” in the middle of all those threes. It’s so cute.)
· Uh-oh (Another favorite. She says it all the time. Her favorite time to use it, is EVERY TIME I change the TV channel.)
· Tree (“Twee”. It sounds exactly like her “three”, but she only says it once instead of counting it over and over and when she says it, she’s pointing at a tree, so I can tell which word she’s saying based on the context.)
· Baah (This is the sound she thinks that all animals make.)
· Rock Rock (This is what she says when she rocks on the recliner or on a rocking chair)
· Wee Wee (This is what she says on a swing, or the baby swing, or a slide)
· Up (“uh”)
· Down (“Dow”)
· Pretty (“Petty” or just “etty”. This is the word we use for lots of things: bows for her hair, pretty socks, lights –like on a christmas tree, wall hangings…)
· Barney (“Bonnie” This is her favorite TV show and I figured out why: She loves live singing. She loves it when people sing and dance instead of just having music playing. The kids on Barney always have organized singing and dancing. She will ignore the TV, unless there is singing, then you can’t get her attention.)
· Yeah!! (What Kylie says every time she claps. The silly girl will clap every time she hears someone say “good job” or “yeah” or every time someone else claps.)

Kylie picking her "neigh"